Wondering whether you’re pregnant can feel anxiety-inducing, especially if you weren’t planning to be. You may be facing a lot of questions, including:

Can I really take care of a baby right now?

My period is late, but I don’t have any other symptoms. Could I actually be pregnant?

What am I going to do if I receive a positive result?

It’s easy to feel nervous and uncertain, but you need answers before moving forward. Your first step is to take a pregnancy test.

Common pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman. Some women experience the usual signs of pregnancy, like a missed period and nausea. Others have no symptoms or can’t rely on a missed period because their cycle is irregular.

Common pregnancy symptoms to watch for include:

  • Missed period
  • Nausea (with or without vomiting)
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Moodiness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Cramping
  • Food aversions

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms or suspect you may be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test. Remember, you can also experience things like a missed period and fatigue because of hormonal changes, other health conditions, and more.

When taking a home pregnancy test (which is urine-based), you should wait at least a few days after your missed period or several weeks after sexual intercourse. This gives hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a pregnancy hormone, time to develop in your body and be detected.

Testing first thing in the morning ensures your urine will be at its most concentrated.

False results can happen when you test too early or incorrectly. If you feel you’ve received a false negative, you can wait a few days and test again.

Why Take Advantage of Pregnancy Testing With Us?

At Coweta Pregnancy Services, you can take advantage of medically certified pregnancy testing to receive an accurate result. Please wait a week after your missed period before coming in for testing.

A nurse, sonographer, or trained layperson will administer the test and inform you if it’s positive or negative. We can also provide written verification of your positive test if needed.

Upon receiving a positive result at our center, you can receive a limited ultrasound to confirm key pregnancy details. This next step is vital as you weigh your options.

We’re with you every step of the way. Schedule a no-cost, confidential pregnancy testing appointment today.