When thinking about options for your unplanned pregnancy, parenting may seem like the most intimidating one. Thinking they don’t have support is one of the main reasons many women choose not to parent. However, there is more assistance available now than ever before. We’re also here to offer support and guidance as you consider whether or not parenting is the right choice for you.

Being a Parent

It doesn’t matter where you are in life; parenting is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. As a parent, you have the joy of watching your child grow and learn, but you also have the responsibility to care for and raise them. Ask yourself some of the following questions to find out if parenting is right for you:

  • Will I have physical support from my partner or parents?
  • How will parenting impact my job or education?
  • Can I financially support a child by myself, or will I have financial support from someone else?
  • What resources are available to help me raise my child?

These are hard questions to ask, but sometimes having a few heart-to-heart conversations with those who matter most in your life will give you the assurance you need to choose to parent. Taking inventory of what support you already have will show you what you may need once the baby arrives. You’ll be surprised when you learn how much support is available for women who parent independently. Coweta Pregnancy Services is here as well to encourage and help you along the way.

Parenting Resources

Unfortunately, babies do not come with instruction manuals. Because every baby and parenting situation is different, we want to help you have as much information as possible before your baby arrives.

Coweta Pregnancy Services offers various parenting classes, material supplies, and community referrals to other services. Along with our parenting classes, you can participate in our Earn While You Learn (EWYL) program. This program enables you to earn diapers, wipes, and other baby supplies while learning parenting skills. It is open to any client that is either pregnant or currently parenting a baby or toddler.

Parenting can be such a joy, and we want to be there to assist you in learning so you become the best parent you can be.

Is Parenting Right For You?

If you’re thinking about parenting, we want to walk alongside you and help you prepare emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Our client advocates and classroom instructors will inform, educate, and invest in you and your partner as you prepare for the journey ahead.

Even though your pregnancy was not planned, you can plan to be the best parent possible. We’re here to help! Please schedule an appointment to talk with a member of our caring staff. We’ll listen to your concerns and your dreams for the future. Let us show you how anything is possible!

Difficult roads often lead
to beautiful destinations.