What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

If you are considering abortion, it’s essential to understand the potential for physical and emotional consequences first. There are two main types of abortion: medical and surgical. How far along you are in your pregnancy generally determines which type you qualify for. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we are committed to

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What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Every drug or medical procedure has specific side effects and potential risks. The abortion pill isn’t an exception. Risks like an incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, and infection are possible. Since you undergo this abortion method in your home, it’s essential to recognize the signs of trouble so you can receive the emergency care you need.

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Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

Generally, how far along you are in your pregnancy determines the type of abortion procedure you qualify for. Although some experts suggest this method can be used through the entire first trimester (12 weeks), the FDA only approves the drugs for use through 10 weeks of pregnancy. What is the Abortion Pill? Because the abortion

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Every medical procedure has the potential for complications. Asking about the risks of abortion is an excellent question before moving forward. Since you take the drugs for the abortion pill method at home, you need to be aware of how much bleeding or cramping is too much. Being prepared is essential. The Risks of the

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